As your family grows, most parents find they need a larger home. When you think about using landscaping tips to upgrade the value of your home, consider that many parents look for safety features when deciding on a major home purchase. While your home may be located in a great neighborhood with a good school and access to plenty of fun parks to play in and your focus may be “I need to sell my house fast”, a family is usually more interested in finding the perfect place to raise their children.

This means plenty of places to play, safe walks and entryways, and a place that feels welcoming. Many families who are looking for a home that has spaces for kids to run, play and roam may have come from apartments or small living communities where a yard was just a dream. So, when you implement a few of these landscaping tips you can provide selling points that others who are out there with the “I need to sell my house fast” mindset haven’t put into practice, it ramps up your house to the top of the local real estate market.

Trim the Trees, Prune the Bushes

Large trees almost always add value to property, but you want to ensure they are well maintained. Removing low hanging branches, repairing damaged trunks, and trimming up fruit bearing trees like apple and peach trees creates a safe, manicured appearance. Bushes should be pruned and shaped as well, and any thorny plants such as roses need to have a decent area of space between the plant and any walkways so that little fingers or clothes don’t get snagged when walking by.

Use Soft Edges and Light the Walkways

Parents also like to see their smaller children and having an even, lit path to the doors is an important selling feature. If you use hardscapes like cement and stone, having rounded edges on any raised areas or corners gives a more organic look to the landscaping while also providing a gentler surface should a child or adult fall against it. Lighting does not have to be expensive. Using portable solar lights on stems can create a lit path that has an environmentally friendly feature too, such as a solar globe to add some whimsy.

Edible Plants Add Value for Kids and Pets

Families with children often have pets and both face dangers with landscapes that have live plants. The use of edible plants can be a selling feature for your realtor. Choosing perennials that will provide multi-season beauty as well as not offer harm to curious children or animals can add value that may not be present in other neighborhood homes.

The pecan tree is the Texas state tree, and many properties have them already. Rosemary, oregano and basil also grow well and a kitchen herb garden is a wonderful feature for potential homeowners with children. Common flowers such as marigolds, daylilies, pansies, begonias and roses all have edible blossoms that can add touches of color to the landscape and an edible garnish for foodies.

If you have any of these features in your landscape, or implement some of these landscaping tips, make sure to let your realtor know the benefits. They will offer the main introduction to your home to families and can relay those benefits to potential buyers. It is important not to go overboard with landscape additions as people also want easy to maintain spaces. However, a well-placed path, light or garden feature can be the endearing outdoor quality that turns your house into a home for a new family.