One of the biggest concerns of homeowners when listing their house on the market is how to keep the house, and any possessions inside and outside safe while it is being shown by the realtor. This becomes an even larger concern for sellers who have an inherited house or vacant house they need to sell, or in situations where divorce may have factored in and a disgruntled spouse could potentially cause property damage. How to sell your home fast and keep the house for sale safe can be serious situations for people who do not plan to occupy their property for sale.
An unoccupied property is a target for theft, break-ins, kids who are looking for a place to party and even homeless squatters. The damages that can result such as graffiti, broken windows, and loss of property or damage to important landscape features can be costly and expensive. It is important to keep your realtor in the loop if you do not intend to live on the property because the agent will want to take precautions on a vacant property to help ensure that your investment is safe. Of course, the main responsibility is on the homeowner to convince passersby that the home is still occupied to help deter criminal activity.
Keep Lights On, Drapes Closed
Investing in a low cost light timer is an excellent way to keep your house safe. Keeping the lights on tends to deter thieves and other suspicious types from targeting your home. It is important to have timers in different areas of the home to simulate activity in the home. Be sure that your drapes are not light blocking or it will defeat your efforts. However, drapes or curtains that are closed and filter light serve two purposes. They block prying eyes from outside and they allow the illusion of someone being in the home. If vandals can’t see through the closed blinds to an empty interior, they are less likely to break in.
Keep Lawns Maintained
Another surefire way to show that you have a vacant house is to let the lawn go. Even if you have an inherited house that you don’t live close to, hiring a lawn service to regularly cut goes a long way toward keeping your house for sale safe. Mowing the lawn, having someone weed the landscape beds and shovel the snow in winter months makes the home look lived in and can help to deter potential thieves, vandals and squatters. Cleaning out rain gutters and blowing or raking leaves are important too. Any maintenance that a home owner would normally perform while living in the house should be performed while you are away. Not only will this deter damage from unwanted visitors, but the regular maintenance will help you and your realtor sell your home.
Don’t Go It Alone
Your realtor is one of your biggest resources, but don’t forget the neighborhood. Neighbors have a vested interest in keeping your home safe too. Property damage and a rundown home that won’t sell are not in their best interest as the state of your property will affect the valuation of theirs. Often there is a neighborhood watch team that would be happy to keep an eye on your place, or a retired neighbor who is willing to give you a call if suspicious activity is taking place. You will also want to have mail and any subscription newspapers forwarded or temporarily held if you will be away from your house for sale for any length of time. Nothing says unoccupied more than a pile of papers and a bulging mail box door. Implementing these simple tips will help your home appear occupied so the house is less likely to be a target while you have it on the market.