So you’re moving out of town, but you haven’t been able to sell your existing home. Time is running out, you’re paying through the nose on two mortgages because you haven’t unloaded your first home yet, and your moving date is getting closer by the moment – you’re likely to be feeling the pressure. You’re also likely to be driving your Realtor a little nutty too, especially since he or she hasn’t been able to help you find a buyer yet either.
Don’t worry – there’s help on the way. Here are some tips to sell your house fast, not to mention tips on how to avoid some of the most common pitfalls that can make it harder to move your house off the market in a timely manner.
Sellers that Look Desperate Don’t Sell
Any Realtor will tell you that sellers that reek of desperation have a very hard time getting their property off their hands. There’s something to be said about a motivated seller, but if your home has been on the market for some time and you keep instituting incremental price drops, it sends a signal to a prospective buyer that something must be wrong with the property. Instead, be bold and make one price cut – but make it a big one. Undercut the average price of homes in your neighborhood by around 10 percent. Doing so will generate renewed interest in your property and could lead the right buyer directly to your door.
Houses that Don’t Show Well Don’t Sell Well
If there’s anything that will quickly kill off enthusiasm in a buyer visiting your house, it’s finding it a cluttered mess. Sure, you might look around your existing home and see it filled with a lifetime’s worth of treasured memories, but all a prospective buyer will see tons of junk. Do yourself a favor and move the majority of your stuff out of the house you’re trying to sell, either into your new house that you’re moving to or into a temporary storage solution. The latter may cost a bit more money than you would like, but if it leads to your house selling more quickly it’s a necessary expense.
Don’t Be Afraid to Cut Your Losses if You Get an Offer
Nobody likes thinking they’re getting the short end of the stick when it comes to selling their home. This, plus the natural inclination of people to negotiate over such a massive transaction, makes sellers resistant to take an offer at face value instead of trying to haggle. However, when the chips are down and you absolutely must unload your existing property as the date of your move gets closer, the time for negotiations is well past. If you get a buyer on the line, and their offer is within acceptable limits for you in light of the situation, go ahead and take it. Don’t throw back the one good chance you’ve gotten to unload your house because of pride. You’ll learn soon enough that it’s going to be much more painful to be stuck with a house that won’t sell in a neighborhood you no longer live in than it is to feel like you just cheated yourself out of a good selling price on your original home. If your Realtor has your back, he or she will recommend the same course of action – even if it means they take a hit on their commission price.